Opening times
Great Dixter House and Gardens
The house and garden is usually open between April and November. Owing to the Coronavirus outbreak, in 2020 we implemented an advance booking system, to enable visitors to maintain safe social distance. The bookings system is likely to be in operation in 2021. Please check the website before you visit. The Garden is now closed to visitors until spring 2021. The Nursery and Shop remain open to visitors and mail order.
Great Dixter Nurseries
The Nursery will still be open for visitors and mail orders.
December to end of March
Monday to Friday:
9am to 12.30pm & 1.30pm to 4.30pm
Saturday: 9am to 12.30pm
Sunday: Closed
Great Dixter Shop
The Shop is now closed for the season. Please visit our online shop for a lovely selection of tools, books, seeds, clothing and more.